How to Calculate Percentage - Formula and Explanation

percentage calculator

You will learn to Calculate Percentage, this page explains - What is Percentage ? Explanation and Formula.

What is Percentage ?

A Percentage is a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. It is often denoted using the percent sign, "%"

Percentage Formula

Find What % is x of y ?
Percentage can be calculated by dividing the new number (x) with principal number/amount (y) and mutiplying with 100. So, Percentage Formula, p = (x/y)*100

p = (x ÷ y) * 100 = (10 ÷ 100) * 100 = 10%
p = (x ÷ y) * 100 = (25.5 ÷ 100) * 100 = 25.5%
p = (x ÷ y) * 100 = (100 ÷ 400) * 100 = 25%

Real Time Formula Explanation

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Profit/Loss Percentage Calculator

Starting amount is and new amount is
The change in % is =

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