Mr. Virk Media is a growing technology & media blog, started by Navjot Virk as a hobby, the idea is to help people in different walks of life.
Little about the brand:
Mr. Virk Media is focused on tech articles, social issues, news, videos and troubleshooting tutorials, going forward we are looking to grow in video and animation space. The website is on a growth graph with increasing users, activity and engagement everyday across our articles and videos.
Where does users come from ?
We have invested & focused on unique high quality content (including Video and Photo Content) and strong SEO, leading to high traffic from organic searches making our website a desirable advertising inventory, as the users are more invested in the topics & content, due to its quality and relevance
What’s in the Future ?
Our goals are big for the future with plans to expand in IT Consulting, internet marketing, advertising and content writing.
Mr. Virk Media at the moment is a one man show ran by Navjot Virk, and I am looking to hire content writers. Visit Careers page to find out more.
Visit Brands Page to see our other brands. And how, these brands can help you launch your products in the market.
If you are looking to leverage the reach of our brands for advertising, reach-out to us at contact us.
Social Profiles
Flaticon for providing free icons designed by Freepik used on parts of the website.
Canva for providing tools to create free thumbnails for posts and videos.