How to Fix ? Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary, especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch issue

Please enter a commit message


When trying to push a commit into Github via terminal we come across this problem: “Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary, especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch | Error Message”

This happens when a commit is made to the branch you are working with and you try to push a commit (git push) before pulling the changes (git pull).

How to solve this:

1- Press “i” on your keyboard.

2- Write your merge message

3- Press “esc” button

4- Type “:wq”

5- Press Enter

Finally, Push Changes “git push”


Navjot Singh Virk
Navjot Singh Virk

Navjot is a Hobby Blogger from Ireland and loves to create content to help people. He makes time on weekends to work on this blog. And has a full time position at Workday as Technical Product Manager, which he loves and thrives at.

His Skills include in-depth knowledge of SEO, Javascript, Advertising, HTML, Java and Product Management. And his other hobbies include Investing, Gardening and playing Table Tennis.

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