How to Fix ? Quicktime Player is Not Authorised to Access the Microphone Error in Macbook

Quicktime Player is not Authorised to access the Microphone

In this tutorial, we will troubleshoot the issue with Quicktime Player having access issues to the inbuilt Microphone on your computer.

Troubleshooting Steps by Step

  • Open Finder and Search for System Preferences App.
  • Click Security and Privacy.
system preferences
system preferences
  • Next Click on Privacy and Select Microphone, this menu will allow you to authorise/enable access to the Microphone for any app or in this instance Quicktime
microphone access for apps mac
microphone access for apps mac
Navjot Singh Virk
Navjot Singh Virk

Navjot is a Hobby Blogger from Ireland and loves to create content to help people. He makes time on weekends to work on this blog. And has a full time position at Workday as Technical Product Manager, which he loves and thrives at.

His Skills include in-depth knowledge of SEO, Javascript, Advertising, HTML, Java and Product Management. And his other hobbies include Investing, Gardening and playing Table Tennis.

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